1690 Revere Beach Parkway
Everett, MA
BH+A designed 1690 Revere Beach Parkway to provide a mixed-use urban community consisting of 800 apartments with retail restaurant, amenity spaces and parking the City of Everett.
The project vision is at three scales, City, neighborhood and streetscape. The large-scale goal is to create an urban gateway site as seen from Revere Beach Parkway driving from the north and entering into Everett. On a neighborhood scale, the vision is to use the project’s density to create a signature, vibrant urban community connecting through the site and framed by the three buildings. On a micro scale, the project can fill in a “missing tooth” of the urban context on the Everett/Chelsea line that, starting with BH+A’s other Everett project, The Pioneer, lines the sidewalks with activity and pedestrian scale. The desired outcome is a technologically, socially and economically sustainable urban community.